The world today seems to be filled with nothing more than adult temper tantrums. Unfortunately, instead of just tears, stomping feet, and dropping to the floor – adults have weapons or even more prevalent and harmful in many ways are their words filled with entitlement, expectations and judgement.
Before you sit there and nod your head in agreement, please realize you are very likely guilty of it as much as the rest of us. A belief that you are not is a sure sign that you are.
- Are you imposing your beliefs and demands on your family, friends, or the entire world?
- Are you full of self pity when things don’t go your way?
- Do you “punish” people either passively or aggressively when they don’t behave as you expect or agree with your viewpoint?
- Do you generally think you are better than others or your beliefs are the “right” way?
Does any of the above apply to you? Be honest with yourself. Imagine what the world could be like if everyone realized their part in every conflict and then focused on bettering themselves instead of trying to change others.
- What if everyone shared their thoughts and ideas without imposing them?
- What if we all accepted others without judgement? It is possible to disagree without judging. Is it?
- What if you practiced forgiveness or apologized even when you felt you had nothing to apologize for?
What if we all approached every conflict with compassion and empathy? Just imagine that world.
The title of this post is “YOU”RE NOT THAT SPECIAL!” That is because everyone is special! Let’s celebrate others and their uniqueness! Just imagine that world!