Thank you for the EXPERIENCES!
Both Blissful and Sorrowful.
Both Joyful and Depressed.
Both Genuine and Uncertain.
Past Experiences
No regret nor remorse, only valuable lessons learned!
Present Experiences
Gifts of life and living!
Future Experiences
The possibilities are limitless!
Thank you for the PEOPLE!
Both Benevolent and Antagonistic.
Both Supportive and Harmful.
Both Trustworthy and Corrupt.
Past People
Critical characters in your story and growth!
Present People
Shoulders to lean on or challenges to overcome!
Future People
The possibilities are limitless!
Thank You for ABUNDANCE!
Both Discernible and Indistinct.
Both Realized and Unrecognizable.
Both Experienced and Witnessed.
Past Abundance
It was there to nourish you!
Present Abundance
Open your eyes to see it!
Future Abundance
The possibilities are limitless!
What are you grateful for today?